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Hand Crafted Bone and Garnet Earrings, 'Princess Aura'

Garnet,Topaz, Bone Silver Earrings 'Princess Aura'

The earrings are wonderfully made and unique.

Love the details in the carving that reflects the calm and peaceful face of sleeping princess. The accent of a triangular garnet stone, gives color and contrast with the light blue topaz on the front of the head crown.

The silver details are amazing as well as the bone carving. This lovely jewel will highlight any evening with a little black dress and a simple collar. These should be the center of attention. 

These will last a long time and they came with a lovely ethnic pouch and a little booklet descripting the item. 

This will make a lovely gift.

NOVICA.comNOVICA, in association with National Geographic, works together with talented artisan designers around the world to produce stunning, keepsake treasures.

Note: I received the product at a discount, or reduced price.


Komang Suastra
"Creating new designs is very exciting."

"I've wanted to create silver jewelry since I was in elementary school. By the time I was in junior high, I was crafting my own pieces, thanks to a friend's parents who are silversmiths. With seriousness and a strong determination to learn, I was finally able to make jewelry with my own hands.

"When I finished high school, I set up my own workshop and started crafting jewelry there. Through this experience, I learned a lot about developing my own designs. I offered my jewelry to art shops nearby and, thank God, people really liked it. My courage grew.

"Creating new designs is very exciting. I settled into the day-to-day routine of a silver artisan until I got married. Then I stopped for a while to take care of my family. After that, the necessities of life conquered all, and I went back to crafting silver jewelry.

"Soon after my wedding, I received a very large order for jewelry because of its financial promise. Although I began my home workshop with only a few people helping me, I prioritize quality. With good quality, people will want more of my designs. Because from good quality will come good satisfaction, and good satisfaction will surely result in good and loyal clients. I had to bring more people in to help me in order to meet my standards of quality. That is a good thing for me and my family and certainly for the people who help me craft these lovely pieces of jewelry art."

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