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Santamedical Adult Deluxe Aneroid Sphygmomanometer

Santamedical Adult Deluxe Aneroid Sphygmomanometer

If you suffer from hypertension you sure have seen an aneroid sphygmomanometer at the Doctor's office or a nurse using it. With all the technology and modern blood pressure cuffs, this type of equipment gives an accurate reading every time. 
It is very difficult to use it on yourself, but as a caregiver this is an essential equipment to have at hand. 
The dial is big enough to read it without glasses and the materials look high-quality. Love the purple color and the case it comes with is very practical and easy to storage. 
This is perfect for nurses, medical students and doctors. 
This set is great, with so much detail and features. The Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope kit is very sturdy and easy to use.
It even comes with a name tag.

If you are using it for the first time or are not familiar with the product, you can feel overwhelming with all the extra parts. I always use the normal stethoscope so I didn't know how to work it, so I looked in internet and found a very interesting explanation:

This dual-headed stethoscope, equipped with both large and small diaphragms fitted on a revolvable twin drum, is operational in two positions 180° apart. The drum contains a leak-free valve stem. 
1. Carefully insert binaural ear-tips into ears. 
2. Tap the diaphragm softly; this should produce sounds clearly. If you don't hear the tapping sound, rotate the head 180° until it clicks into place in the other operational position. 
3. Tap again to be sure the instrument is correctly set for use. 
4. Follow the same procedure when you convert from one chest-piece to another. 

  • Adult Diaphragm: Is generally used to detect high-pitched heart, breath, and bowel sounds. 
  • Pediatric Diaphragm: Is designed to hear high-pitched pediatric heart sounds. Adult (1 3/8") Bell: Is designed to hear low and medium pitched sounds and murmurs. 
  • Pediatric or Medium (1") Bell: Concentrates on narrow spots such as between ribs or any other small places to detect low and medium pitched sounds and murmurs. 
  • Infant (3/4") Bell: Best suits the examination of infants and small children to detect low and medium pitched heart sounds and murmurs. 
  • Chest-piece Key: Allows installation and removal of diaphragms. Position key over metal disk and click into place. Turn counter-clockwise to remove or clockwise to install.
  • Ear-tips: Are provided in different sizes and materials for a customized fit.

Note: I received this product highly discounted for review and an honest and unbiased opinion. 


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