Alternative Way to Brighten your Teeth: ACTIVATED CHARCOAL
I was lucky to try this new product for whitening and brightening teeth. Based in ancient conceptions and basic knowledge there are an array of natural products used for different purposes regarding our health.

Setting this as base, I prefer a more natural approach that may look too simple to be true. In this case I tried the Activated Coconut Charcoal Powder, it is a black powder (of-course) that you apply a small amount to a soft tooth brush and gently massage the teeth for about two minutes. This polishes the teeth giving a shinny pearl like look (in my case).
I have used it for a few days an can see a difference. The first time I used a larger amount and I got mouth, hands and the sink all black (LOL), now I know the exact amount needed and it washes off easy.
I think this is a great solution to a better smile.
Note: this product is not harmful in any way, but always ask a healthcare provider if this is right for you.
Here is a piece found in WebMD about Activated Charcoal.
Common charcoal is made from peat, coal, wood, coconut shell, or petroleum. “Activated charcoal” is similar to common charcoal, but is made especially for use as a medicine. To make activated charcoal, manufacturers heat common charcoal in the presence of a gas that causes the charcoal to develop lots of internal spaces or “pores.” These pores help activated charcoal “trap” chemicals.
Activated charcoal is used to treat poisonings, reduce intestinal gas (flatulence), lower cholesterol levels, prevent hangover, and treat bile flow problems (cholestasis) during pregnancy.
How does it work?
Activated charcoal is good at trapping chemicals and prevents their absorption.
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